Kiki Koyote

Kiki Koyote strives to recognize the "everyday" as rich with meaning and monument. We seek to capture the vastness of simplicity, to draw out the story and soul of the commonplace, and to awaken a commanding calm in the midst of life's hustle and hum. 

How she choses to adorn our bodies should not be a departure from or an encumbrance on our daily life, but rather a reflection of the beauty we know it to possess. She believe jewelry should be effortless. It should speak to us before it speaks for us. It should call us home and anchor us in who we are and the beauty of now. Her aim in each design is for you to be in a place of " it is good, it is now, it is enough". Kiki Koyote is the jewelry of designer and creator Kris Singleton. All jewelry is made by hand in their home studio in Minneapolis, MN.  

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