Eileen Gray, an Irish woman with a practically perfect home in the south of France is who we have to thank for many staple pieces within modern design. Originally a painter, Gray found her way into architecture and furniture design in the early 1900's. She built her first home in 1924 for her and her then lover, Jean Badovici. Located near Monaco on the French Rivera, her aesthetic is both breezy and open, yet sensible and compact. Flat lines and modern hues make up her home that has view of the ocean on nearly every side. Things went south quickly with Jean, and Gray eventually moved back to Paris and led a reclusive lifestyle with little to no recognition until the 1970's. Although her life was crippled with heartache and some scandals, she never stopped working, sometimes spending 14 hours a day on her portfolios and furniture sketches all the way through her mid 90's. Below is some pictures of the exterior and interior of her home, enjoy : )

Photo credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
by: mallory howard (@mal_how)